London Tom may not have got a Bragster board but I did let him have a drink of some Bragster MAXX. He wasn't that stoked.
Tom was so upset that he didn't win a bragster board he has taken to drinking and living rough.
So I buggered my ankle and was over it and decided to cheer myself up by going to Wilkinsons and buying Shane Warne's interactive DVD game. I'd saved up 49p for it and happily surprised to find it had been reduced.
With the extra money I was able to cash in on some other bargains.
When Matty found out that Jamie had decided to give away his Bragster skateboard in favor of skating a Girl board he went ballistic and suplexed him in front of an artistic back drop.
So everyones favorite homeless performer has stepped his game up and was killing it in front of a crowd whilst a black guy laid down some mental slap bass. This sounds like a lie but you can't even make this shit up.