Scottish Simie - Ollie - Somewhere in Scotland.

This is Sexy Simie, the filmer that loves haggis.
Dan DVS - Backlip - 5 Bridges.

A backlip throw down by Dan, Bish lost the footage.
Jamie - Switch Frontside 180 - Smackhead 10.

This stair set is dirty and horrible, but Jamie didn't really care if he landed on a smack needle.
Peter Lally - Ollie - Somewhere artfags go.

Here is Peter pulling faces for Jeffro and his camera.
Dan DVS - Crooks - Under cover ledge.

This day was just me, Dan and Jeff out taking photos, from what I recall it was pissing down and this was the only place to go.
King Adam - Backside Smith - Get Carter.

I love it.
Adairsy - Kickflip - Law Courts.

I think this might be the oldest of all the photos, tastey on the Quayside.