Today everyone's favourite skateboarder Lethalmore made the following shocking statement...
"I have finally decided to quit skateboarding and went to bmxing, i decided last sunday to focusing me boared and giving the rest of my setup to no motion guy. p.s i will still supporting native i.e still buy clorth, shoes and hats ect hope bussines goes well for jakie and hope that every one has fun in the process "

This was just after Lethal saved his good friend Geoff Rowley from a horrific bursting.
Many skateboarders and slack ex-skateboarders have been heart broken by this breaking news...
"Its the end of the world." - George aka The Burger
"Gutted he was an og shredder" - Howdon Hotdog
"Devistating a real loss for the world of skateboarding to lose such an innavative young talent." - Arnie Farrier
"Lethal more?" - Scottish Murray"I feel cheated. When you see someone with talent throw it all away just because they don't feel it's a challenge any more is just sad." - Alex Mellon

The face of a nation.
Lethalmore will be missed in Newcastle skateboarding and here at dD we wish him all the best in his BMXing career and anything else he decides to persue in his life. Keep it simple, keep it lethal.