since murking me, hopper has run away back to mordor. when he gets back there is a bursting waiting for him.

after the vaxhuall garage we went to that wallride place. ben ldl got it done.

dan dvs prince of persia.

then we skated the metro arena car park for a bit. little will aka little wizzley aka wizzley snipes aka the wizzard was on the session.

as was rob_c

then we went to river 5.

dan dvs was hanging 10.

dan dvs laying down white thing shred.

dan dvs ollie over the white thing.

levitation hammers.

little connor tre.

little will back heel. murked without a fisheye.

i ate shit. if dan dvs ever makes this montage you will be able to deekie the slam. it was pretty comedy.

then we went to the wasteland. dale switch pop shuv over something. picture by dan.

ginger jamie front blunt.

jimbo front smith, picture by wizzley snipes.
session over.
it's the best of howman tommorow, so some sort of mega blog will no doubt go down.
love buster.