we went upon a sesh2. first spot was china town ledges. we haven't skated there in about 5 years, i quickly remembered why.

rushy was on the session? oh aye!

chi-chi-chi-chi-chicken-chicken-chicken-chicken-bone-nowison-nowison-nowison. next spot was gay gardens manny pad.

rushy was on the session? oh aye!

king adam hippy jump steez.

king adam posed picture.

the gooch eyed up some hammers. then we went to dove ledge.

shit spot.

then i got over it because everyone went to the park which is shit. instead i went to river five to watch say hello get it done.
ginger jamie v.2 was hitting it hard and fast. dude he was so totally high right now. there's a rumour going round that rob_cky2k black booty loves the dick. the wall at law courts wouldn't lie.

the blinky necked some cowies
marty was over it.
wizzley thought he saw jackie and was ready to burst him for stealing our red bull, but didn't. it's a pretty good job he didn't because he was ready to unleash hulk-a-mania on jackies ass.

then we went to law courts. dan had a session on it but this one foot was the only good picture. it was getting too dark and my flash has been ford focused. the cougar also put down some pretty intense hammers. i heard the cougar was going to hardflip smack head 10.
love buster.