So today was another lovely day of sunshine and I got myself out and enjoyed it.
Met up with Bish and Matty at previously grindy tunnel. Bish has a new camera which does nice photos and filming so was playing with it. Sadly a doylum on a bike covered in stab proof clothing gave us the boot.
We made a swift trip back to the GSH to pick up Adam's board and shoes before heading to meet him. We also watched Lally and Lewer sections from The High Brow Video which you should all see.
We went to check out a hubba Jackie had found a while back. It was alright but it did raise the question, what was Jackie doing by the bins behind some sketchy flats in Cowgate?
We then hit up a school I used to skate before I realised backside 180s were the only skate trick you would ever need.
I've realised the best way to take a good skate photo is to wait till someone with a nice camera starts taking one then sit directly behind them. Sidewalk, hook me up.
Matty is one of my favorite people to watch skate. He takes the best slams ever, then when he gets the trick, it's almost as good as when there's a Friends marathon on E4.
I don't think I'll ever be a good photographer, I'm really lazy and the idea of sitting in a bush taking photos only appeals to me when there's a kids park nearby. Sidewalk, hook me up.
Adam sessioned rocks cos he's rock. I sessioned cones because the sound of Adam's trucks hitting the stone made me feel like I was having my soul pulled out through my arsehole.
Bish recently had an operation and due to that has to avoid putting to much pressure around his stomach area. He spent about 90% of the day like this.
Matty is one of my favorite people to watch skate. He has great calves, then when he wears shorts, it's almost as good as when there's a Friends marathon on E4.
Crew shots are so hip right now. If you think otherwhise you're almost certainly dead inside.
We then went and drank juice. This isn't particularly interesting but I want everyone to know that I'm mega rich and can afford big brand names like Pepsi.
After a quick rest at the GSH, we had a ride along with Matty Smith on his pizza delivery job. For some reason I thought this would be a similar experience to a police ride along but really it just involved seeing different people open their front doors and give Matty money in exchange for pizza. I did however scare this cat which then gave me the most angry stare I've ever received from a feline.
The day ended with lovely Tom Fone giving me and Adam a free calzone which was rad.