
It is delightful to greet the thousands of dD blog viewers once again. Kind Adam, CEO, reporting from the streets of Newcastle.

Buster Caulker recently took on the role as dD's full time online content editor, this position involves long hours researching local OGs and creating effective online marketing strategies to increase engagement with the companies' target audience. One of Buster's most successful strategies as of late was the introduction of 'Doug the Dog' (pictured above). Posts featuring Doug on average make the viewer 30% more stoked than posts without.  
To help sustain interest with our core audience who have been reading the blog since it's inception 7 years ago, we often pay off a local OG to create a sense of nostalgia. The price of OGs varies depending on how prevalent the individual was to the Newcastle Skate Scene, for example this post features a high caliber OG 'The Log', as you can see he is not skateboarding in this post, as we simply cannot afford his rates at this time. 
The most valuable posts to The Digital Deekies are those that contain actual skateboarding. The above action shot also includes Horkan's hound, which as we have already discussed increases how stoked you as the reader becomes when viewing the image. Skateboarding + Dog = ££££
We will now move onto the importance of an NBD (never been done). Above, you may recognize the location as one of Newcastle's most famous skateboards spots, the civic centre, but something is different, the spot has now been altered to create a new and exciting never before seen obstacle. After weeks of research and planning with our team of architectural shralpologists we have successfully created an obstacle that allows skateboarders to get 50% more air down a 3 stair.

Sean Tracy, bravely, tried the exciting new feature for the first time. As you can see he is now at least 3 feet higher than if he was to have backside flipped straight from the flatground. A great success for science and skateboarding.